- И стали скороходы, каждый с оружием в руке своей, от правой стороны дома до левой стороны дома, у жертвенника и у дома, вокруг царя.
- И вывел он царского сына, и возложил на него [царский] венец и украшения, и воцарили его, и помазали его, и рукоплескали и восклицали: да живет царь!
- И услышала Гофолия голос бегущего народа, и пошла к народу в дом Господень.
- И видит, и вот царь стоит на возвышении, по обычаю, и князья и трубы подле царя; и весь народ земли веселится, и трубят трубами. И разодрала Гофолия одежды свои, и закричала: заговор! заговор!
- И дал приказание Иодай священник сотникам, начальствующим над войском, и сказал им: 'выведите ее за ряды, а кто пойдет за нею, умерщвляйте мечом', так как думал священник, чтобы не умертвили ее в доме Господнем.
- The guards, each with his weapon in his hand, stationed themselves around the king--near the altar and the temple, from the south side to the north side of the temple.
- Jehoiada brought out the king's son and put the crown on him; he presented him with a copy of the covenant and proclaimed him king. They anointed him, and the people clapped their hands and shouted, "Long live the king!"
- When Athaliah heard the noise made by the guards and the people, she went to the people at the temple of the LORD.
- She looked and there was the king, standing by the pillar, as the custom was. The officers and the trumpeters were beside the king, and all the people of the land were rejoicing and blowing trumpets. Then Athaliah tore her robes and called out, "Treason! Treason!"
- Jehoiada the priest ordered the commanders of units of a hundred, who were in charge of the troops: "Bring her out between the ranks and put to the sword anyone who follows her." For the priest had said, "She must not be put to death in the temple of the LORD."