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Başqa kitablar  Azerbaycan | Russian | NIV | KJV | NASB
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1 Chronicles 8 [NASB:NIV]   
  1. And Benjamin became the father of Bela his firstborn, Ashbel the second, Aharah the third,
  2. Nohah the fourth and Rapha the fifth.
  3. Bela had sons: Addar, Gera, Abihud,
  4. Abishua, Naaman, Ahoah,
  5. Gera, Shephuphan and Huram.
  1. Benjamin was the father of Bela his firstborn, Ashbel the second son, Aharah the third,
  2. Nohah the fourth and Rapha the fifth.
  3. The sons of Bela were: Addar, Gera, Abihud,
  4. Abishua, Naaman, Ahoah,
  5. Gera, Shephuphan and Huram.
  1. These are the sons of Ehud: these are the heads of fathers' households of the inhabitants of Geba, and they carried them into exile to Manahath,
  2. namely, Naaman, Ahijah and Gera--he carried them into exile; and he became the father of Uzza and Ahihud.
  3. Shaharaim became the father of children in the country of Moab after he had sent away Hushim and Baara his wives.
  4. By Hodesh his wife he became the father of Jobab, Zibia, Mesha, Malcam,
  5. Jeuz, Sachia, Mirmah. These were his sons, heads of fathers' households.
  1. These were the descendants of Ehud, who were heads of families of those living in Geba and were deported to Manahath:
  2. Naaman, Ahijah, and Gera, who deported them and who was the father of Uzza and Ahihud.
  3. Sons were born to Shaharaim in Moab after he had divorced his wives Hushim and Baara.
  4. By his wife Hodesh he had Jobab, Zibia, Mesha, Malcam,
  5. Jeuz, Sakia and Mirmah. These were his sons, heads of families.
  1. By Hushim he became the father of Abitub and Elpaal.
  2. The sons of Elpaal were Eber, Misham, and Shemed, who built Ono and Lod, with its towns;
  3. and Beriah and Shema, who were heads of fathers' households of the inhabitants of Aijalon, who put to flight the inhabitants of Gath;
  4. and Ahio, Shashak and Jeremoth.
  5. Zebadiah, Arad, Eder,
  1. By Hushim he had Abitub and Elpaal.
  2. The sons of Elpaal: Eber, Misham, Shemed (who built Ono and Lod with its surrounding villages),
  3. and Beriah and Shema, who were heads of families of those living in Aijalon and who drove out the inhabitants of Gath.
  4. Ahio, Shashak, Jeremoth,
  5. Zebadiah, Arad, Eder,
  1. Michael, Ishpah and Joha were the sons of Beriah.
  2. Zebadiah, Meshullam, Hizki, Heber,
  3. Ishmerai, Izliah and Jobab were the sons of Elpaal.
  4. Jakim, Zichri, Zabdi,
  5. Elienai, Zillethai, Eliel,
  1. Michael, Ishpah and Joha were the sons of Beriah.
  2. Zebadiah, Meshullam, Hizki, Heber,
  3. Ishmerai, Izliah and Jobab were the sons of Elpaal.
  4. Jakim, Zicri, Zabdi,
  5. Elienai, Zillethai, Eliel,
  1. Adaiah, Beraiah and Shimrath were the sons of Shimei.
  2. Ishpan, Eber, Eliel,
  3. Abdon, Zichri, Hanan,
  4. Hananiah, Elam, Anthothijah,
  5. Iphdeiah and Penuel were the sons of Shashak.
  1. Adaiah, Beraiah and Shimrath were the sons of Shimei.
  2. Ishpan, Eber, Eliel,
  3. Abdon, Zicri, Hanan,
  4. Hananiah, Elam, Anthothijah,
  5. Iphdeiah and Penuel were the sons of Shashak.
  1. Shamsherai, Shehariah, Athaliah,
  2. Jaareshiah, Elijah and Zichri were the sons of Jeroham.
  3. These were heads of the fathers' households according to their generations, chief men who lived in Jerusalem.
  4. Now in Gibeon, Jeiel, the father of Gibeon lived, and his wife's name was Maacah;
  5. and his firstborn son was Abdon, then Zur, Kish, Baal, Nadab,
  1. Shamsherai, Shehariah, Athaliah,
  2. Jaareshiah, Elijah and Zicri were the sons of Jeroham.
  3. All these were heads of families, chiefs as listed in their genealogy, and they lived in Jerusalem.
  4. Jeiel the father of Gibeon lived in Gibeon. His wife's name was Maacah,
  5. and his firstborn son was Abdon, followed by Zur, Kish, Baal, Ner, Nadab,
  1. Gedor, Ahio and Zecher.
  2. Mikloth became the father of Shimeah. And they also lived with their relatives in Jerusalem opposite their other relatives.
  3. Ner became the father of Kish, and Kish became the father of Saul, and Saul became the father of Jonathan, Malchi-shua, Abinadab and Eshbaal.
  4. The son of Jonathan was Merib-baal, and Merib-baal became the father of Micah.
  5. The sons of Micah were Pithon, Melech, Tarea and Ahaz.
  1. Gedor, Ahio, Zeker
  2. and Mikloth, who was the father of Shimeah. They too lived near their relatives in Jerusalem.
  3. Ner was the father of Kish, Kish the father of Saul, and Saul the father of Jonathan, Malki-Shua, Abinadab and Esh-Baal.
  4. The son of Jonathan: Merib-Baal, who was the father of Micah.
  5. The sons of Micah: Pithon, Melech, Tarea and Ahaz.
  1. Ahaz became the father of Jehoaddah, and Jehoaddah became the father of Alemeth, Azmaveth and Zimri; and Zimri became the father of Moza.
  2. Moza became the father of Binea; Raphah was his son, Eleasah his son, Azel his son.
  3. Azel had six sons, and these were their names: Azrikam, Bocheru, Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah and Hanan. All these were the sons of Azel.
  4. The sons of Eshek his brother were Ulam his firstborn, Jeush the second and Eliphelet the third.
  5. The sons of Ulam were mighty men of valor, archers, and had many sons and grandsons, 150 of them. All these were of the sons of Benjamin.
  1. Ahaz was the father of Jehoaddah, Jehoaddah was the father of Alemeth, Azmaveth and Zimri, and Zimri was the father of Moza.
  2. Moza was the father of Binea; Raphah was his son, Eleasah his son and Azel his son.
  3. Azel had six sons, and these were their names: Azrikam, Bokeru, Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah and Hanan. All these were the sons of Azel.
  4. The sons of his brother Eshek: Ulam his firstborn, Jeush the second son and Eliphelet the third.
  5. The sons of Ulam were brave warriors who could handle the bow. They had many sons and grandsons--150 in all. All these were the descendants of Benjamin.
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[Yh 3: 16] Çünki Allah dünyanı o qədər sevdi ki, vahid Oğlunu ona verdi; bunu etdi ki, Ona iman edən hər kəs həlak olmasın, əbədi həyata malik olsun.