- And He appointed the twelve: Simon (to whom He gave the name Peter),
- and James, the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James (to them He gave the name Boanerges, which means, "Sons of Thunder");
- and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Zealot;
- and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Him.
- And He came home, and the crowd gathered again, to such an extent that they could not even eat a meal.
- 這十二個人有西門、耶穌又給他起名叫彼得.
- 還有西庇太的兒子雅各、和雅各的兄弟約翰.又給這個兩人起名叫半尼其、就是雷子的意思.
- 又有安得烈、腓力、巴多羅買、馬太、多馬、亞勒腓的兒子雅各、和達太、並奮銳黨的西門。
- 還有賣耶穌的加略人猶大。
- 耶穌進了一個屋子、眾人又聚集、甚至他連飯也顧不得喫。