- When we entered Rome, Paul was allowed to stay by himself, with the soldier who was guarding him.
- After three days Paul called together those who were the leading men of the Jews, and when they came together, he began saying to them, "Brethren, though I had done nothing against our people or the customs of our fathers, yet I was delivered as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.
- "And when they had examined me, they were willing to release me because there was no ground for putting me to death.
- "But when the Jews objected, I was forced to appeal to Caesar, not that I had any accusation against my nation.
- "For this reason, therefore, I requested to see you and to speak with you, for I am wearing this chain for the sake of the hope of Israel."
- 進了羅馬城、〔有古卷在此有百夫長把眾囚犯交給御營的統領惟有〕保羅蒙准、和一個看守他的兵、另住在一處。
- 過了三天、保羅請猶太人的首領來.他們來了、就對他們說、弟兄們、我雖沒有作甚麼事干犯本國的百姓、和我們祖宗的規條、卻被鎖綁、從耶路撒冷解在羅馬人的手裡。
- 他們審問了我、就願意釋放我.因為在我身上、並沒有該死的罪。
- 無奈猶太人不服、我不得已、只好上告於該撒.並非有甚麼事、要控告我本國的百姓。
- 因此、我請你們來見面說話.我原為以色列人所指望的、被這鍊子捆鎖。