- 摩西的內兄〔或作岳父〕是基尼人、他的子孫與猶大人一同離了棕樹城、往亞拉得以南的猶大曠野去、就住在民中。
- 猶大和他哥哥西緬同去、擊殺了住洗法的迦南人、將城盡行毀滅。那城的名便叫何珥瑪。
- 猶大又取了迦薩和迦薩的四境、亞實基倫和亞實基倫的四境、以革倫和以革倫的四境。
- 耶和華與猶大同在、猶大就趕出山地的居民.只是不能趕出平原的居民、因為他們有鐵車。
- 以色列人照摩西所說的、將希伯崙給了迦勒.迦勒就從那裡趕出亞衲族的三個族長。
- The descendants of Moses' father-in-law, the Kenite, went up from the City of Palms with the men of Judah to live among the people of the Desert of Judah in the Negev near Arad.
- Then the men of Judah went with the Simeonites their brothers and attacked the Canaanites living in Zephath, and they totally destroyed the city. Therefore it was called Hormah.
- The men of Judah also took Gaza, Ashkelon and Ekron--each city with its territory.
- The LORD was with the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country, but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had iron chariots.
- As Moses had promised, Hebron was given to Caleb, who drove from it the three sons of Anak.