- 以色列人從埃及上來、乃是經過曠野到紅海、來到加低斯.
- 就打發使者去見以東王、說、求你容我從你的地經過.以東王卻不應允。又照樣打發使者去見摩押王.他也不允准、以色列人就住在加低斯。
- 他們又經過曠野、繞著以東和摩押地、從摩押地的東邊過來、在亞嫩河邊安營、並沒有入摩押的境內、因為亞嫩河是摩押的邊界。
- 以色列人打發使者去見亞摩利王西宏、就是希實本的王、對他說、求你容我們從你的地經過、往我們自己的地方去。
- 西宏卻不信服以色列人、不容他們經過他的境界.乃招聚他的眾民、在雅雜安營、與以色列人爭戰。
- But when they came up out of Egypt, Israel went through the desert to the Red Sea and on to Kadesh.
- Then Israel sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, 'Give us permission to go through your country,' but the king of Edom would not listen. They sent also to the king of Moab, and he refused. So Israel stayed at Kadesh.
- "Next they traveled through the desert, skirted the lands of Edom and Moab, passed along the eastern side of the country of Moab, and camped on the other side of the Arnon. They did not enter the territory of Moab, for the Arnon was its border.
- "Then Israel sent messengers to Sihon king of the Amorites, who ruled in Heshbon, and said to him, 'Let us pass through your country to our own place.'
- Sihon, however, did not trust Israel to pass through his territory. He mustered all his men and encamped at Jahaz and fought with Israel.