- 以法蓮山地有一個人名叫米迦、
- 他對母親說、你那一千一百舍客勒銀子被人拿去、你因此咒詛、並且告訴了我、看哪、這銀子在我這裡、是我拿去了.他母親說、我兒阿、願耶和華賜福與你。
- 米迦就把這一千一百舍客勒銀子還他母親.他母親說我分出這銀子來為你獻給耶和華、好雕刻一個像、鑄成一個像、現在我還是交給你。
- 米迦將銀子還他母親、他母親將二百舍客勒銀子交給銀匠、雕刻一個像、鑄成一個像、安置在米迦的屋內。
- 這米迦有了神堂、又製造以弗得、和家中的神像、分派他一個兒子作祭司。
- Now a man named Micah from the hill country of Ephraim
- said to his mother, "The eleven hundred shekels of silver that were taken from you and about which I heard you utter a curse--I have that silver with me; I took it." Then his mother said, "The LORD bless you, my son!"
- When he returned the eleven hundred shekels of silver to his mother, she said, "I solemnly consecrate my silver to the LORD for my son to make a carved image and a cast idol. I will give it back to you."
- So he returned the silver to his mother, and she took two hundred shekels of silver and gave them to a silversmith, who made them into the image and the idol. And they were put in Micah's house.
- Now this man Micah had a shrine, and he made an ephod and some idols and installed one of his sons as his priest.