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創世記 20 [繁體:NIV]   
  1. 亞伯拉罕從那裡向南地遷去、寄居在加低斯和書珥中間的基拉耳。
  2. 亞伯拉罕稱他的妻撒拉為妹子、基拉耳王亞比米勒差人把撒拉取了去。
  3. 但夜間 神來在夢中、對亞比米勒說、你是個死人哪、因為你取了那女人來、他原是別人的妻子。
  4. 亞比米勒卻還沒有親近撒拉.他說、主阿、連有義的國你也要毀滅麼。
  5. 那人豈不是自己對我說、他是我的妹子麼.就是女人也自己說、他是我的哥哥.我作這事、是心正手潔的。
  1. Now Abraham moved on from there into the region of the Negev and lived between Kadesh and Shur. For a while he stayed in Gerar,
  2. and there Abraham said of his wife Sarah, "She is my sister." Then Abimelech king of Gerar sent for Sarah and took her.
  3. But God came to Abimelech in a dream one night and said to him, "You are as good as dead because of the woman you have taken; she is a married woman."
  4. Now Abimelech had not gone near her, so he said, "Lord, will you destroy an innocent nation?
  5. Did he not say to me, 'She is my sister,' and didn't she also say, 'He is my brother'? I have done this with a clear conscience and clean hands."
  1.  神在夢中對他說、我知道你作這事是心中正直、我也攔阻了你、免得你得罪我、所以我不容你沾著他。
  2. 現在你把這人的妻子歸還他、因為他是先知、他要為你禱告、使你存活.你若不歸還他、你當知道、你和你所有的人、都必要死。
  3. 亞比米勒清早起來、召了眾臣僕來、將這些事都說給他們聽、他們都甚懼怕。
  4. 亞比米勒召了亞伯拉罕來、對他說、你怎麼向我這樣行呢、我在甚麼事上得罪了你、你竟使我和我國裡的人陷在大罪裡.你向我行不當行的事了。
  5. 亞比米勒又對亞伯拉罕說、你見了甚麼纔作這事呢。
  1. Then God said to him in the dream, "Yes, I know you did this with a clear conscience, and so I have kept you from sinning against me. That is why I did not let you touch her.
  2. Now return the man's wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live. But if you do not return her, you may be sure that you and all yours will die."
  3. Early the next morning Abimelech summoned all his officials, and when he told them all that had happened, they were very much afraid.
  4. Then Abimelech called Abraham in and said, "What have you done to us? How have I wronged you that you have brought such great guilt upon me and my kingdom? You have done things to me that should not be done."
  5. And Abimelech asked Abraham, "What was your reason for doing this?"
  1. 亞伯拉罕說、我以為這地方的人總不懼怕 神、必為我妻子的緣故殺我。
  2. 況且他也實在是我的妹子、他與我是同父異母、後來作了我的妻子。
  3. 當 神叫我離開父家飄流在外的時候、我對他說、我們無論走到甚麼地方、你可以對人說、他是我的哥哥.這就是你待我的恩典了。
  4. 亞比米勒把牛羊、僕婢賜給亞伯拉罕、又把他的妻子撒拉歸還他。
  5. 亞比米勒又說、看哪、我的地都在你面前、你可以隨意居住。
  1. Abraham replied, "I said to myself, 'There is surely no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.'
  2. Besides, she really is my sister, the daughter of my father though not of my mother; and she became my wife.
  3. And when God had me wander from my father's household, I said to her, 'This is how you can show your love to me: Everywhere we go, say of me, "He is my brother." ' "
  4. Then Abimelech brought sheep and cattle and male and female slaves and gave them to Abraham, and he returned Sarah his wife to him.
  5. And Abimelech said, "My land is before you; live wherever you like."
  1. 又對撒拉說、我給你哥哥一千銀子、作為你在閤家人面前遮羞的、〔羞原文作眼〕你就在眾人面前沒有不是了。
  2. 亞伯拉罕禱告 神、 神就醫好了亞比米勒和他的妻子、並他的眾女僕、他們便能生育。
  3. 因耶和華為亞伯拉罕的妻子撒拉的緣故、已經使亞比米勒家中的婦人、不能生育。
  1. To Sarah he said, "I am giving your brother a thousand shekels of silver. This is to cover the offense against you before all who are with you; you are completely vindicated."
  2. Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife and his slave girls so they could have children again,
  3. for the LORD had closed up every womb in Abimelech's household because of Abraham's wife Sarah.
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