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Genesis 23 [NASB:繁體]   
  1. Now Sarah lived one hundred and twenty-seven years; these were the years of the life of Sarah.
  2. Sarah died in Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan; and Abraham went in to mourn for Sarah and to weep for her.
  3. Then Abraham rose from before his dead, and spoke to the sons of Heth, saying,
  4. "I am a stranger and a sojourner among you; give me a burial site among you that I may bury my dead out of my sight."
  5. The sons of Heth answered Abraham, saying to him,
  1. 撒拉享壽一百二十七歲、這是撒拉一生的歲數。
  2. 撒拉死在迦南地的基列亞巴、就是希伯崙、亞伯拉罕為他哀慟哭號。
  3. 後來亞伯拉罕從死人面前起來、對赫人說、
  4. 我在你們中間是外人、是寄居的、求你們在這裡給我一塊地、我好埋葬我的死人、使他不在我眼前。
  5. 赫人回答亞伯拉罕說、
  1. "Hear us, my lord, you are a mighty prince among us; bury your dead in the choicest of our graves; none of us will refuse you his grave for burying your dead."
  2. So Abraham rose and bowed to the people of the land, the sons of Heth.
  3. And he spoke with them, saying, "If it is your wish for me to bury my dead out of my sight, hear me, and approach Ephron the son of Zohar for me,
  4. that he may give me the cave of Machpelah which he owns, which is at the end of his field; for the full price let him give it to me in your presence for a burial site."
  5. Now Ephron was sitting among the sons of Heth; and Ephron the Hittite answered Abraham in the hearing of the sons of Heth; even of all who went in at the gate of his city, saying,
  1. 我主請聽、你在我們中間是一位尊大的王子、只管在我們最好的墳地裡埋葬你的死人、我們沒有一人不容你在他的墳地裡埋葬你的死人。
  2. 亞伯拉罕就起來、向那地的赫人下拜。
  3. 對他們說、你們若有意叫我埋葬我的死人、使他不在我眼前、就請聽我的話、為我求瑣轄的兒子以弗崙、
  4. 把田頭上那麥比拉洞給我、他可以按著足價賣給我、作我在你們中間的墳地。
  5. 當時以弗崙正坐在赫人中間.於是赫人以弗崙、在城門出入的赫人、面前對亞伯拉罕說、
  1. "No, my lord, hear me; I give you the field, and I give you the cave that is in it. In the presence of the sons of my people I give it to you; bury your dead."
  2. And Abraham bowed before the people of the land.
  3. He spoke to Ephron in the hearing of the people of the land, saying, "If you will only please listen to me; I will give the price of the field, accept it from me that I may bury my dead there."
  4. Then Ephron answered Abraham, saying to him,
  5. "My lord, listen to me; a piece of land worth four hundred shekels of silver, what is that between me and you? So bury your dead."
  1. 不然、我主請聽、我送給你這塊田、連田間的洞、也送給你、在我同族的人面前都給你、可以埋葬你的死人。
  2. 亞伯拉罕就在那地的人民面前下拜。
  3. 在他們面前對以弗崙說、你若應允、請聽我的話、我要把田價給你、求你收下、我就在那裡埋葬我的死人。
  4. 以弗崙回答亞伯拉罕說、
  5. 我主請聽、值四百舍客勒銀子的一塊田、在你我中間還算甚麼呢、只管埋葬你的死人罷。
  1. Abraham listened to Ephron; and Abraham weighed out for Ephron the silver which he had named in the hearing of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, commercial standard.
  2. So Ephron's field, which was in Machpelah, which faced Mamre, the field and cave which was in it, and all the trees which were in the field, that were within all the confines of its border, were deeded over
  3. to Abraham for a possession in the presence of the sons of Heth, before all who went in at the gate of his city.
  4. After this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field at Machpelah facing Mamre (that is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan.
  5. So the field and the cave that is in it, were deeded over to Abraham for a burial site by the sons of Heth.
  1. 亞伯拉罕聽從了以弗崙、照著他在赫人面前所說的話、把買賣通用的銀子、平了四百舍客勒給以弗崙。
  2. 於是麥比拉、幔利前、以弗崙的那塊田、和其中的洞、並田間四圍的樹木、
  3. 都定準歸與亞伯拉罕、乃是他在赫人面前、並城門出入的人面前買妥的。
  4. 此後、亞伯拉罕把他妻子撒拉埋葬在迦南地幔利前的麥比拉田間的洞裡、幔利就是希伯崙。
  5. 從此、那塊田、和田間的洞、就藉著赫人定準、歸與亞伯拉罕作墳地。
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