- 拉班又說、你看我在你我中間所立的這石堆、和柱子.
- 這石堆作證據、這柱子也作證據、我必不過這石堆去害你、你也不可過這石堆和柱子、來害我.
- 但願亞伯拉罕的 神、和拿鶴的 神、就是他們父親的 神、在你我中間判斷.雅各就指著他父親以撒所敬畏的 神起誓。
- 又在山上獻祭、請眾弟兄來喫飯.他們喫了飯、便在山上住宿。
- 拉班清早起來、與他外孫和女兒親嘴、給他們祝福、回往自己的地方去了。
- And Laban said to Jacob, Behold this heap, and behold this pillar, which I have cast betwixt me and thee:
- This heap be witness, and this pillar be witness, that I will not pass over this heap to thee, and that thou shalt not pass over this heap and this pillar unto me, for harm.
- The God of Abraham, and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, judge betwixt us. And Jacob sware by the fear of his father Isaac.
- Then Jacob offered sacrifice upon the mount, and called his brethren to eat bread: and they did eat bread, and tarried all night in the mount.
- And early in the morning Laban rose up, and kissed his sons and his daughters, and blessed them: and Laban departed, and returned unto his place.