- At this time Hezekiah king of Judah stripped off the gold with which he had covered the doors and doorposts of the temple of the LORD, and gave it to the king of Assyria.
- The king of Assyria sent his supreme commander, his chief officer and his field commander with a large army, from Lachish to King Hezekiah at Jerusalem. They came up to Jerusalem and stopped at the aqueduct of the Upper Pool, on the road to the Washerman's Field.
- They called for the king; and Eliakim son of Hilkiah the palace administrator, Shebna the secretary, and Joah son of Asaph the recorder went out to them.
- The field commander said to them, "Tell Hezekiah: " 'This is what the great king, the king of Assyria, says: On what are you basing this confidence of yours?
- You say you have strategy and military strength--but you speak only empty words. On whom are you depending, that you rebel against me?
- 那時猶大王希西家將耶和華殿門上的金子、和他自己包在柱上的金子、都刮下來、給了亞述王。
- 亞述王從拉吉差遣他珥探、拉伯撒利、和拉伯沙基率領大軍、往耶路撒冷、到希西家王那裡去。他們上到耶路撒冷、就站在上池的水溝旁、在漂布地的大路上。
- 他們呼叫王的時候、就有希勒家的兒子家宰以利亞敬、並書記舍伯那、和亞薩的兒子史官約亞、出來見他們。
- 拉伯沙基說、你們去告訴希西家說、亞述大王如此說、你所倚靠的、有甚麼可仗賴的呢。
- 你說、有打仗的計謀和能力、我看不過是虛話。你到底倚靠誰、纔背叛我呢。