- "If you have understanding, hear this; listen to what I say.
- Can he who hates justice govern? Will you condemn the just and mighty One?
- Is he not the One who says to kings, 'You are worthless,' and to nobles, 'You are wicked,'
- who shows no partiality to princes and does not favor the rich over the poor, for they are all the work of his hands?
- They die in an instant, in the middle of the night; the people are shaken and they pass away; the mighty are removed without human hand.
- 你若明理、就當聽我的話、留心聽我言語的聲音。
- 難道恨惡公平的、可以掌權麼.那有公義的、有大能的、豈可定他有罪麼。
- 他對君王說、你是鄙陋的、對貴臣說、你是邪惡的。
- 他待王子不徇情面、也不看重富足的過於貧窮的.因為都是他手所造。
- 在轉眼之間、半夜之中、他們就死亡.百姓被震動而去世、有權力的被奪去非借人手。