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Psalms 51 [NASB:繁體]   
  1. Be gracious to me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness; According to the greatness of Your compassion blot out my transgressions.
  2. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity And cleanse me from my sin.
  3. For I know my transgressions, And my sin is ever before me.
  4. Against You, You only, I have sinned And done what is evil in Your sight, So that You are justified when You speak And blameless when You judge.
  5. Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me.
  1. 〔大衛與拔示巴同室以後、先知拿單來見他.他作這詩、交與伶長。〕 神阿、求你按你的慈愛憐恤我、按你豐盛的慈悲塗抹我的過犯。
  2. 求你將我的罪孽洗除淨盡、並潔除我的罪。
  3. 因為我知道我的過犯.我的罪常在我面前。
  4. 我向你犯罪、惟獨得罪了你、在你眼前行了這惡、以致你責備我的時候、顯為公義.判斷我的時候、顯為清正。
  5. 我是在罪孽裡生的.在我母親懷胎的時候、就有了罪。
  1. Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being, And in the hidden part You will make me know wisdom.
  2. Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
  3. Make me to hear joy and gladness, Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.
  4. Hide Your face from my sins And blot out all my iniquities.
  5. Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
  1. 你所喜愛的、是內裡誠實.你在我隱密處、必使我得智慧。
  2. 求你用牛膝草潔淨我、我就乾淨.求你洗滌我、我就比雪更白。
  3. 求你使我得聽歡喜快樂的聲音、使你所壓傷的骨頭、可以踴躍。
  4. 求你掩面不看我的罪、塗抹我一切的罪孽。
  5.  神阿、求你為我造清潔的心、使我裡面重新有正直的靈。〔正直或作堅定〕
  1. Do not cast me away from Your presence And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
  2. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me with a willing spirit.
  3. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, And sinners will be converted to You.
  4. Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, the God of my salvation; Then my tongue will joyfully sing of Your righteousness.
  5. O Lord, open my lips, That my mouth may declare Your praise.
  1. 不要丟棄我、使我離開你的面.不要從我收回你的聖靈。
  2. 求你使我仍得救恩之樂、賜我樂意的靈扶持我.
  3. 我就把你的道指教有過犯的人.罪人必歸順你。
  4.  神阿、你是拯救我的 神.求你救我脫離流人血的罪.我的舌頭就高聲歌唱你的公義。
  5. 主阿、求你使我嘴唇張開、我的口便傳揚讚美你的話。
  1. For You do not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it; You are not pleased with burnt offering.
  2. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.
  3. By Your favor do good to Zion; Build the walls of Jerusalem.
  4. Then You will delight in righteous sacrifices, In burnt offering and whole burnt offering; Then young bulls will be offered on Your altar.
  1. 你本不喜愛祭物.若喜愛、我就獻上.燔祭你也不喜悅。
  2.  神所要的祭、就是憂傷的靈. 神阿、憂傷痛悔的心、你必不輕看。
  3. 求你隨你的美意善待錫安、建造耶路撒冷的城牆。
  4. 那時、你必喜愛公義的祭、和燔祭、並全牲的燔祭.那時、人必將公牛獻在你壇上。
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