- 〔一篇詩歌、交與伶長、用絲絃的樂器。〕願 神憐憫我們、賜福與我們、用臉光照我們.〔細拉〕
- 好叫世界得知你的道路、萬國得知你的救恩。
- 神阿、願列邦稱讚你。願萬民都稱讚你。
- 願萬國都快樂歡呼.因為你必按公正審判萬民、引導世上的萬國。〔細拉〕
- 神阿、願列邦稱讚你.願萬民都稱讚你。
- God be gracious to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us-- Selah.
- That Your way may be known on the earth, Your salvation among all nations.
- Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You.
- Let the nations be glad and sing for joy; For You will judge the peoples with uprightness And guide the nations on the earth. Selah.
- Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You.