- 巴不得你像我的兄弟、像喫我母親奶的兄弟.我在外頭遇見你、就與你親嘴.誰也不輕看我。
- 我必引導你、領你進我母親的家、我可以領受教訓、也就使你喝石榴汁釀的香酒。
- 他的左手必在我頭下、他的右手必將我抱住。
- 耶路撒冷的眾女子阿、我囑咐你們、不要驚動、不要叫醒我所親愛的、等他自己情願。〔不要叫醒云云或作不要激動愛情等他自發〕
- 那靠著良人從曠野上來的、是誰呢。我在蘋果樹下叫醒你.你母親在那裡為你劬勞、生養你的在那裡為你劬勞。
- O that thou wert as my brother, that sucked the breasts of my mother! when I should find thee without, I would kiss thee; yea, I should not be despised.
- I would lead thee, and bring thee into my mother's house, who would instruct me: I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate.
- His left hand should be under my head, and his right hand should embrace me.
- I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, until he please.
- Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? I raised thee up under the apple tree: there thy mother brought thee forth: there she brought thee forth that bare thee.