- 推羅人哪、你們當過到他施去.沿海的居民哪、你們都當哀號.
- 這是你們歡樂的城、從上古而有的麼.其中的居民、往遠方寄居。
- 推羅本是賜冠冕的.他的商家是王子、他的買賣人、是世上的尊貴人.遭遇如此、是誰定的呢.
- 是萬軍之耶和華所定的、為要污辱一切高傲的榮耀、使地上一切的尊貴人被藐視。
- 他施的民哪、〔民原文作女〕可以流行你的地、好像尼羅河、不再有腰帶拘緊你。
- Cross over to Tarshish; wail, you people of the island.
- Is this your city of revelry, the old, old city, whose feet have taken her to settle in far-off lands?
- Who planned this against Tyre, the bestower of crowns, whose merchants are princes, whose traders are renowned in the earth?
- The LORD Almighty planned it, to bring low the pride of all glory and to humble all who are renowned on the earth.
- Till your land as along the Nile, O Daughter of Tarshish, for you no longer have a harbor.