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耶利米書 46 [繁體:NIV]   
  1. 耶和華論列國的話臨到先知耶利米。
  2. 論到關乎埃及王法老尼哥的軍隊.這軍隊安營在伯拉河邊的迦基米施、是巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒在猶大王約西亞的兒子約雅敬第四年所打敗的。
  3. 你們要豫備大小盾牌、往前上陣。
  4. 你們套上車、騎上馬、頂盔站立、磨槍貫甲。
  5. 我為何看見他們驚惶轉身退後呢.他們的勇士打敗了、急忙逃跑、並不回頭.驚嚇四圍都有.這是耶和華說的。
  1. This is the word of the LORD that came to Jeremiah the prophet concerning the nations:
  2. Concerning Egypt: This is the message against the army of Pharaoh Neco king of Egypt, which was defeated at Carchemish on the Euphrates River by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon in the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah:
  3. "Prepare your shields, both large and small, and march out for battle!
  4. Harness the horses, mount the steeds! Take your positions with helmets on! Polish your spears, put on your armor!
  5. What do I see? They are terrified, they are retreating, their warriors are defeated. They flee in haste without looking back, and there is terror on every side," declares the LORD.
  1. 不要容快跑的逃避、不要容勇士逃脫.〔或作快跑的不能逃避勇士不能逃脫〕他們在北方伯拉河邊絆跌仆倒。
  2. 像尼羅河漲發、像江河之水翻騰的是誰呢。
  3. 埃及像尼羅河漲發、像江河的水翻騰.他說、我要漲發遮蓋遍地.我要毀滅城邑、和其中的居民。
  4. 馬匹上去罷.車輛急行罷.勇士、就是手拿盾牌的古實人和弗人、〔又作呂彼亞人〕並拉弓的路德族、都出去罷。
  5. 那日是主萬軍之耶和華報仇的日子、要向敵人報仇.刀劍必吞喫得飽、飲血飲足.因為主萬軍之耶和華、在北方伯拉河邊有獻祭的事。
  1. "The swift cannot flee nor the strong escape. In the north by the River Euphrates they stumble and fall.
  2. "Who is this that rises like the Nile, like rivers of surging waters?
  3. Egypt rises like the Nile, like rivers of surging waters. She says, 'I will rise and cover the earth; I will destroy cities and their people.'
  4. Charge, O horses! Drive furiously, O charioteers! March on, O warriors-- men of Cush and Put who carry shields, men of Lydia who draw the bow.
  5. But that day belongs to the LORD, the Lord Almighty-- a day of vengeance, for vengeance on his foes. The sword will devour till it is satisfied, till it has quenched its thirst with blood. For the Lord, the LORD Almighty, will offer sacrifice in the land of the north by the River Euphrates.
  1. 埃及的民哪、〔民原文作處女〕可以上基列取乳香去.你雖多服良藥、總是徒然、不得治好。
  2. 列國聽見你的羞辱、遍地滿了你的哀聲.勇士與勇士彼此相碰、一齊跌倒。
  3. 耶和華對先知耶利米所說的話、論到巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒要來攻擊埃及地。
  4. 你們要傳揚在埃及、宣告在密奪、報告在挪弗、答比匿、說、要站起出隊、自作準備.因為刀劍在你四圍施行吞滅的事。
  5. 你的壯士為何被沖去呢.他們站立不住、因為耶和華驅逐他們。
  1. "Go up to Gilead and get balm, O Virgin Daughter of Egypt. But you multiply remedies in vain; there is no healing for you.
  2. The nations will hear of your shame; your cries will fill the earth. One warrior will stumble over another; both will fall down together."
  3. This is the message the LORD spoke to Jeremiah the prophet about the coming of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to attack Egypt:
  4. "Announce this in Egypt, and proclaim it in Migdol; proclaim it also in Memphis and Tahpanhes: 'Take your positions and get ready, for the sword devours those around you.'
  5. Why will your warriors be laid low? They cannot stand, for the LORD will push them down.
  1. 使多人絆跌、他們也彼此撞倒、說、起來罷、我們再往本民本地去、好躲避欺壓的刀劍。
  2. 他們在那裡喊叫說、埃及王法老不過是個聲音.〔不過是個聲音或作已經敗亡〕他已錯過所定的時候了。
  3. 君王、名為萬軍之耶和華的、說、我指著我的永生起誓、尼布甲尼撒〔原文作他〕來的勢派必像他泊在眾山之中、像迦密在海邊一樣。
  4. 住在埃及的民哪、〔民原文作女子〕要豫備擄去時所用的物件.因為挪弗必成為荒場、且被燒燬、無人居住。
  5. 埃及是肥美的母牛犢.但出於北方的毀滅〔毀滅或作牛虻)來到了、來到了。
  1. They will stumble repeatedly; they will fall over each other. They will say, 'Get up, let us go back to our own people and our native lands, away from the sword of the oppressor.'
  2. There they will exclaim, 'Pharaoh king of Egypt is only a loud noise; he has missed his opportunity.'
  3. "As surely as I live," declares the King, whose name is the LORD Almighty, "one will come who is like Tabor among the mountains, like Carmel by the sea.
  4. Pack your belongings for exile, you who live in Egypt, for Memphis will be laid waste and lie in ruins without inhabitant.
  5. "Egypt is a beautiful heifer, but a gadfly is coming against her from the north.
  1. 其中的雇勇、好像圈裡的肥牛犢.他們轉身退後、一齊逃跑、站立不住.因為他們遭難的日子、追討的時候、已經臨到。
  2. 其中的聲音、好像蛇行一樣.敵人要成隊而來、如砍伐樹木的手拿斧子攻擊他。
  3. 耶和華說、埃及的樹林、雖然不能尋察、〔或作穿不過〕敵人卻要砍伐、因他們多於蝗蟲、不可勝數。
  4. 埃及的民〔民原文作女子〕必然蒙羞.必交在北方人的手中。
  5. 萬軍之耶和華以色列的 神說、我必刑罰挪的亞捫〔埃及尊大之神〕和法老、並埃及、與埃及的神、以及君王.也必刑罰法老、和倚靠他的人。
  1. The mercenaries in her ranks are like fattened calves. They too will turn and flee together, they will not stand their ground, for the day of disaster is coming upon them, the time for them to be punished.
  2. Egypt will hiss like a fleeing serpent as the enemy advances in force; they will come against her with axes, like men who cut down trees.
  3. They will chop down her forest," declares the LORD, "dense though it be. They are more numerous than locusts, they cannot be counted.
  4. The Daughter of Egypt will be put to shame, handed over to the people of the north."
  5. The LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: "I am about to bring punishment on Amon god of Thebes, on Pharaoh, on Egypt and her gods and her kings, and on those who rely on Pharaoh.
  1. 我要將他們交付尋索其命之人的手、和巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒與他臣僕的手.以後埃及必再有人居住、與從前一樣.這是耶和華說的。
  2. 我的僕人雅各阿、不要懼怕.以色列阿、不要驚惶。因我要從遠方拯救你、從被擄到之地拯救你的後裔.雅各必回來、得享平靖安逸、無人使他害怕。
  3. 我的僕人雅各阿、不要懼怕.因我與你同在.我要將我所趕你到的那些國滅絕淨盡.卻不將你滅絕淨盡、倒要從寬懲治你、萬不能不罰你.〔不罰你或作以你為無罪〕這是耶和華說的。
  1. I will hand them over to those who seek their lives, to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and his officers. Later, however, Egypt will be inhabited as in times past," declares the LORD.
  2. "Do not fear, O Jacob my servant; do not be dismayed, O Israel. I will surely save you out of a distant place, your descendants from the land of their exile. Jacob will again have peace and security, and no one will make him afraid.
  3. Do not fear, O Jacob my servant, for I am with you," declares the LORD. "Though I completely destroy all the nations among which I scatter you, I will not completely destroy you. I will discipline you but only with justice; I will not let you go entirely unpunished."
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