- 強暴興起、成了罰惡的杖.以色列人、或是他們的群眾、或是他們的財寶、無一存留、他們中間也沒有得尊榮的。
- 時候到了、日子近了、買主不可歡喜、賣主不可愁煩、因為烈怒已經臨到他們眾人身上。
- 賣主雖然存活、卻不能歸回再得所賣的、因為這異象關乎他們眾人、誰都不得歸回、也沒有人在他的罪孽中堅立自己。
- 他們已經吹角、豫備齊全、卻無一人出戰、因為我的烈怒臨到他們眾人身上。
- 在外有刀劍、在內有瘟疫、飢荒、在田野的、必遭刀劍而死、在城中的、必有飢荒、瘟疫、吞滅他。
- Violence has grown into a rod to punish wickedness; none of the people will be left, none of that crowd--no wealth, nothing of value.
- The time has come, the day has arrived. Let not the buyer rejoice nor the seller grieve, for wrath is upon the whole crowd.
- The seller will not recover the land he has sold as long as both of them live, for the vision concerning the whole crowd will not be reversed. Because of their sins, not one of them will preserve his life.
- Though they blow the trumpet and get everything ready, no one will go into battle, for my wrath is upon the whole crowd.
- "Outside is the sword, inside are plague and famine; those in the country will die by the sword, and those in the city will be devoured by famine and plague.