- 在這些像前、有以色列家的七十個長老站立、沙番的兒子雅撒尼亞也站在其中.各人手拿香爐、煙雲的香氣上騰。
- 他對我說、人子阿、以色列家的長老暗中在各人畫像屋裡所行的、你看見了麼.他們常說、耶和華看不見我們、耶和華已經離棄這地。
- 他又說、你還要看見他們另外行大可憎的事。
- 他領我到耶和華殿外院朝北的門口、誰知、在那裡有婦女坐著、為搭模斯哭泣。
- 他對我說、人子阿、你看見了麼.你還要看見比這更可憎的事。
- In front of them stood seventy elders of the house of Israel, and Jaazaniah son of Shaphan was standing among them. Each had a censer in his hand, and a fragrant cloud of incense was rising.
- He said to me, "Son of man, have you seen what the elders of the house of Israel are doing in the darkness, each at the shrine of his own idol? They say, 'The LORD does not see us; the LORD has forsaken the land.' "
- Again, he said, "You will see them doing things that are even more detestable."
- Then he brought me to the entrance to the north gate of the house of the LORD, and I saw women sitting there, mourning for Tammuz.
- He said to me, "Do you see this, son of man? You will see things that are even more detestable than this."