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Amos 1 [NASB:繁體]   
  1. The words of Amos, who was among the sheepherders from Tekoa, which he envisioned in visions concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam son of Joash, king of Israel, two years before the earthquake.
  2. He said, "The LORD roars from Zion And from Jerusalem He utters His voice; And the shepherds' pasture grounds mourn, And the summit of Carmel dries up."
  3. Thus says the LORD, "For three transgressions of Damascus and for four I will not revoke its punishment, Because they threshed Gilead with implements of sharp iron.
  4. "So I will send fire upon the house of Hazael And it will consume the citadels of Ben-hadad.
  5. "I will also break the gate bar of Damascus, And cut off the inhabitant from the valley of Aven, And him who holds the scepter, from Beth-eden; So the people of Aram will go exiled to Kir," Says the LORD.
  1. 當猶大王烏西雅、以色列王約阿施的兒子耶羅波安在位的時候、大地震前二年、提哥亞牧人中的阿摩司得默示論以色列。
  2. 他說、耶和華必從錫安吼叫、從耶路撒冷發聲.牧人的草場要悲哀、迦密的山頂要枯乾。
  3. 耶和華如此說、大馬色三番四次的犯罪、我必不免去他的刑罰.因為他以打糧食的鐵器打過基列。
  4. 我卻要降火在哈薛的家中、燒滅便哈達的宮殿。
  5. 我必折斷大馬色的門閂、剪除亞文平原的居民和伯.伊甸掌權的.亞蘭人必被擄到吉珥.這是耶和華說的。
  1. Thus says the LORD, "For three transgressions of Gaza and for four I will not revoke its punishment, Because they deported an entire population To deliver it up to Edom.
  2. "So I will send fire upon the wall of Gaza And it will consume her citadels.
  3. "I will also cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, And him who holds the scepter, from Ashkelon; I will even unleash My power upon Ekron, And the remnant of the Philistines will perish," Says the Lord GOD.
  4. Thus says the LORD, "For three transgressions of Tyre and for four I will not revoke its punishment, Because they delivered up an entire population to Edom And did not remember the covenant of brotherhood.
  5. "So I will send fire upon the wall of Tyre And it will consume her citadels."
  1. 耶和華如此說、迦薩三番四次的犯罪、我必不免去他的刑罰.因為他擄掠眾民交給以東。
  2. 我卻要降火在迦薩的城內、燒滅其中的宮殿。
  3. 我必剪除亞實突的居民、和亞實基倫掌權的.也必反手攻擊以革倫.非利士人所餘剩的必都滅亡。這是主耶和華說的。
  4. 耶和華如此說、推羅三番四次地犯罪、我必不免去他的刑罰.因為他將眾民交給以東、並不記念弟兄的盟約。
  5. 我卻要降火在推羅的城內、燒滅其中的宮殿。
  1. Thus says the LORD, "For three transgressions of Edom and for four I will not revoke its punishment, Because he pursued his brother with the sword, While he stifled his compassion; His anger also tore continually, And he maintained his fury forever.
  2. "So I will send fire upon Teman And it will consume the citadels of Bozrah."
  3. Thus says the LORD, "For three transgressions of the sons of Ammon and for four I will not revoke its punishment, Because they ripped open the pregnant women of Gilead In order to enlarge their borders.
  4. "So I will kindle a fire on the wall of Rabbah And it will consume her citadels Amid war cries on the day of battle, And a storm on the day of tempest.
  5. "Their king will go into exile, He and his princes together," says the LORD.
  1. 耶和華如此說、以東三番四次的犯罪、我必不免去他的刑罰.因為他拿刀追趕兄弟、毫無憐憫、發怒撕裂、永懷忿怒。
  2. 我卻要降火在提幔、燒滅波斯拉的宮殿。
  3. 耶和華如此說、亞捫人三番四次的犯罪、我必不免去他們的刑罰.因為他們剖開基列的孕婦、擴張自己的境界。
  4. 我卻要在爭戰吶喊的日子、旋風狂暴的時候、點火在拉巴的城內、燒滅其中的宮殿。
  5. 他們的王和首領必一同被擄去。這是耶和華說的。
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