- You drink wine by the bowlful and use the finest lotions, but you do not grieve over the ruin of Joseph.
- Therefore you will be among the first to go into exile; your feasting and lounging will end.
- The Sovereign LORD has sworn by himself--the LORD God Almighty declares: "I abhor the pride of Jacob and detest his fortresses; I will deliver up the city and everything in it."
- If ten men are left in one house, they too will die.
- And if a relative who is to burn the bodies comes to carry them out of the house and asks anyone still hiding there, "Is anyone with you?" and he says, "No," then he will say, "Hush! We must not mention the name of the LORD."
- 以大碗喝酒、用上等的油抹身.卻不為約瑟的苦難擔憂。
- 所以這些人必在被擄的人中首先被擄.舒身的人荒宴之樂必消滅了。
- 主耶和華萬軍之 神指著自己起誓說、我憎惡雅各的榮華、厭棄他的宮殿.因此、我必將城、和其中所有的、都交付敵人。
- 那時、若在一房之內剩下十個人、也都必死。
- 死人的伯叔、就是燒他屍首的、要將這屍首搬到房外、問房屋內間的人說、你那裡還有人沒有。他必說、沒有.又說、不要作聲、因為我們不可題耶和華的名。