- 就是在摩西〔原文作他〕膏他們的日子、耶和華吩咐以色列人給他們的.這是他們世世代代永得的分。
- 這就是燔祭、素祭、贖罪祭、贖愆祭、和平安祭的條例、並承接聖職的禮.
- 都是耶和華在西乃山所吩咐摩西的、就是他在西乃曠野吩咐以色列人獻供物給耶和華之日所說的。
- On the day they were anointed, the LORD commanded that the Israelites give this to them as their regular share for the generations to come.
- These, then, are the regulations for the burnt offering, the grain offering, the sin offering, the guilt offering, the ordination offering and the fellowship offering,
- which the LORD gave Moses on Mount Sinai on the day he commanded the Israelites to bring their offerings to the LORD, in the Desert of Sinai.