- In this way he will make atonement for the Most Holy Place because of the uncleanness and rebellion of the Israelites, whatever their sins have been. He is to do the same for the Tent of Meeting, which is among them in the midst of their uncleanness.
- No one is to be in the Tent of Meeting from the time Aaron goes in to make atonement in the Most Holy Place until he comes out, having made atonement for himself, his household and the whole community of Israel.
- "Then he shall come out to the altar that is before the LORD and make atonement for it. He shall take some of the bull's blood and some of the goat's blood and put it on all the horns of the altar.
- He shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times to cleanse it and to consecrate it from the uncleanness of the Israelites.
- "When Aaron has finished making atonement for the Most Holy Place, the Tent of Meeting and the altar, he shall bring forward the live goat.
- 他因以色列人諸般的污穢、過犯、就是他們一切的罪愆、當這樣在聖所行贖罪之禮、並因會幕在他們污穢之中、也要照樣而行。
- 他進聖所贖罪的時候、會幕裡不可有人、直等到他為自己和本家、並以色列全會眾、贖了罪出來。
- 他出來、要到耶和華面前的壇那裡、在壇上行贖罪之禮、又要取些公牛的血、和公山羊的血、抹在壇上四角的周圍.
- 也要用指頭把血彈在壇上七次、潔淨了壇、從壇上除掉以色列人諸般的污穢、使壇成聖。
- 亞倫為聖所、和會幕、並壇、獻完了贖罪祭、就要把那隻活著的公山羊奉上.