- 那人要把贖愆祭、就是一隻公綿羊、牽到會幕門口、耶和華面前。
- 祭司要用贖愆祭的羊、在耶和華面前贖他所犯的罪.他的罪就必蒙赦免。
- 你們到了迦南地、栽種各樣結果子的樹木、就要以所結的果子如未受割禮的一樣.三年之久、你們要以這些果子、如未受割禮的、是不可喫的。
- 但第四年所結的果子、全要成為聖、用以讚美耶和華。
- 第五年你們要喫那樹上的果子、好叫樹給你們結果子更多.我是耶和華你們的 神。
- The man, however, must bring a ram to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting for a guilt offering to the LORD.
- With the ram of the guilt offering the priest is to make atonement for him before the LORD for the sin he has committed, and his sin will be forgiven.
- " 'When you enter the land and plant any kind of fruit tree, regard its fruit as forbidden. For three years you are to consider it forbidden ; it must not be eaten.
- In the fourth year all its fruit will be holy, an offering of praise to the LORD.
- But in the fifth year you may eat its fruit. In this way your harvest will be increased. I am the LORD your God.