- 我所以行事與他們反對、把他們帶到仇敵之地.那時他們未受割禮的心、若謙卑了、他們也服了罪孽的刑罰、
- 我就要記念我與雅各所立的約、與以撒所立的約、與亞伯拉罕所立的約.並要記念這地。
- 他們離開這地、地在荒廢無人的時候、就要享受安息.並且他們要服罪孽的刑罰、因為他們厭棄了我的典章、心中厭惡了我的律例。
- 雖是這樣、他們在仇敵之地、我卻不厭棄他們、也不厭惡他們、將他們盡行滅絕、也不背棄我與他們所立的約、因為我是耶和華他們的 神.
- 我卻要為他們的緣故、記念我與他們先祖所立的約、他們的先祖是我在列邦人眼前、從埃及地領出來的、為要作他們的 神.我是耶和華。
- I also was acting with hostility against them, to bring them into the land of their enemies--or if their uncircumcised heart becomes humbled so that they then make amends for their iniquity,
- then I will remember My covenant with Jacob, and I will remember also My covenant with Isaac, and My covenant with Abraham as well, and I will remember the land.
- 'For the land will be abandoned by them, and will make up for its sabbaths while it is made desolate without them They, meanwhile, will be making amends for their iniquity, because they rejected My ordinances and their soul abhorred My statutes.
- 'Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them, nor will I so abhor them as to destroy them, breaking My covenant with them; for I am the LORD their God.
- 'But I will remember for them the covenant with their ancestors, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God. I am the LORD.'"