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撒母耳记上 11 [简体:NIV]   
  1. 亚扪人的王拿辖上来,对着基列雅比安营。雅比众人对拿辖说,你与我们立约,我们就服事你。
  2. 亚扪人拿辖说,你们若由我剜出你们各人的右眼,以此凌辱以色列众人,我就与你们立约。
  3. 雅比的长老对他说,求你宽容我们七日,等我们打发人往以色列的全境去。若没有人救我们,我们就出来归顺你。
  4. 使者到了扫罗住的基比亚,将这话说给百姓听,百姓就都放声而哭。
  5. 扫罗正从田间赶牛回来,问说,百姓为什么哭呢。众人将雅比人的话告诉他。
  1. Nahash the Ammonite went up and besieged Jabesh Gilead. And all the men of Jabesh said to him, "Make a treaty with us, and we will be subject to you."
  2. But Nahash the Ammonite replied, "I will make a treaty with you only on the condition that I gouge out the right eye of every one of you and so bring disgrace on all Israel."
  3. The elders of Jabesh said to him, "Give us seven days so we can send messengers throughout Israel; if no one comes to rescue us, we will surrender to you."
  4. When the messengers came to Gibeah of Saul and reported these terms to the people, they all wept aloud.
  5. Just then Saul was returning from the fields, behind his oxen, and he asked, "What is wrong with the people? Why are they weeping?" Then they repeated to him what the men of Jabesh had said.
  1. 扫罗听见这话,就被神的灵大大感动,甚是发怒。
  2. 他将一对牛切成块子,托付使者传送以色列的全境,说,凡不出来跟随扫罗和撒母耳的,也必这样切开他的牛。于是耶和华使百姓惧怕,他们就都出来,如同一人。
  3. 扫罗在比色数点他们,以色列人有三十万,犹大人有三万。
  4. 众人对那使者说,你们要回覆基列雅比人说,明日太阳近午的时候,你们必得解救。使者回去告诉雅比人,他们就欢喜了。
  5. 于是雅比人对亚扪人说,明日我们出来归顺你们,你们可以随意待我们。
  1. When Saul heard their words, the Spirit of God came upon him in power, and he burned with anger.
  2. He took a pair of oxen, cut them into pieces, and sent the pieces by messengers throughout Israel, proclaiming, "This is what will be done to the oxen of anyone who does not follow Saul and Samuel." Then the terror of the LORD fell on the people, and they turned out as one man.
  3. When Saul mustered them at Bezek, the men of Israel numbered three hundred thousand and the men of Judah thirty thousand.
  4. They told the messengers who had come, "Say to the men of Jabesh Gilead, 'By the time the sun is hot tomorrow, you will be delivered.' " When the messengers went and reported this to the men of Jabesh, they were elated.
  5. They said to the Ammonites, "Tomorrow we will surrender to you, and you can do to us whatever seems good to you."
  1. 第二日,扫罗将百姓分为三队,在晨更的时候入了亚扪人的营,击杀他们直到太阳近午,剩下的人都逃散,没有二人同在一处的。
  2. 百姓对撒母耳说,那说扫罗岂能管理我们的是谁呢。可以将他交出来,我们好杀死他。
  3. 扫罗说,今日耶和华在以色列中施行拯救,所以不可杀人。
  4. 撒母耳对百姓说,我们要往吉甲去,在那里立国。
  5. 众百姓就到了吉甲那里,在耶和华面前立扫罗为王,又在耶和华面前献平安祭。扫罗和以色列众人大大欢喜。
  1. The next day Saul separated his men into three divisions; during the last watch of the night they broke into the camp of the Ammonites and slaughtered them until the heat of the day. Those who survived were scattered, so that no two of them were left together.
  2. The people then said to Samuel, "Who was it that asked, 'Shall Saul reign over us?' Bring these men to us and we will put them to death."
  3. But Saul said, "No one shall be put to death today, for this day the LORD has rescued Israel."
  4. Then Samuel said to the people, "Come, let us go to Gilgal and there reaffirm the kingship."
  5. So all the people went to Gilgal and confirmed Saul as king in the presence of the LORD. There they sacrificed fellowship offerings before the LORD, and Saul and all the Israelites held a great celebration.
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