- 你且呼求,有谁答应你。诸圣者之中,你转向那一位呢。
- 忿怒害死愚妄人,嫉妒杀死痴迷人。
- 我曾见愚妄人扎下根,但我忽然咒诅他的住处。
- 他的儿女远离稳妥的地步,在城门口被压,并无人搭救。
- 他的庄稼有饥饿的人吃尽了,就是在荆棘里的也抢去了。他的财宝有网罗张口吞灭了。
- Call now, if there be any that will answer thee; and to which of the saints wilt thou turn?
- For wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy slayeth the silly one.
- I have seen the foolish taking root: but suddenly I cursed his habitation.
- His children are far from safety, and they are crushed in the gate, neither is there any to deliver them.
- Whose harvest the hungry eateth up, and taketh it even out of the thorns, and the robber swalloweth up their substance.