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约伯记 31 [简体:NASB]   
  1. 我与眼睛立约,怎能恋恋瞻望处女呢。
  2. 从至上的神所得之分,从至高全能者所得之业,是什么呢。
  3. 岂不是祸患临到不义的,灾害临到作孽的呢。
  4. 神岂不是察看我的道路,数点我的脚步呢。
  5. 我若与虚谎同行,脚若追随诡诈。
  1. "I have made a covenant with my eyes; How then could I gaze at a virgin?
  2. "And what is the portion of God from above Or the heritage of the Almighty from on high?
  3. "Is it not calamity to the unjust And disaster to those who work iniquity?
  4. "Does He not see my ways And number all my steps?
  5. "If I have walked with falsehood, And my foot has hastened after deceit,
  1. 我若被公道的天平称度,使神可以知道我的纯正。
  2. 我的脚步若偏离正路,我的心若随着我的眼目,若有玷污粘在我手上。
  3. 就愿我所种的有别人吃,我田所产的被拔出来。
  4. 我若受迷惑,向妇人起淫念,在邻舍的门外蹲伏。
  5. 就愿我的妻子给别人推磨,别人也与她同室。
  1. Let Him weigh me with accurate scales, And let God know my integrity.
  2. "If my step has turned from the way, Or my heart followed my eyes, Or if any spot has stuck to my hands,
  3. Let me sow and another eat, And let my crops be uprooted.
  4. "If my heart has been enticed by a woman, Or I have lurked at my neighbor's doorway,
  5. May my wife grind for another, And let others kneel down over her.
  1. 因为这是大罪,是审判官当罚的罪孽。
  2. 这本是火焚烧,直到毁灭,必拔除我所有的家产。
  3. 我的仆婢与我争辩的时候,我若藐视不听他们的情节。
  4. 神兴起,我怎样行呢。他察问,我怎样回答呢。
  5. 造我在腹中的,不也是造他麽。将他与我抟在腹中的,岂不是一位麽。
  1. "For that would be a lustful crime; Moreover, it would be an iniquity punishable by judges.
  2. "For it would be fire that consumes to Abaddon, And would uproot all my increase.
  3. "If I have despised the claim of my male or female slaves When they filed a complaint against me,
  4. What then could I do when God arises? And when He calls me to account, what will I answer Him?
  5. "Did not He who made me in the womb make him, And the same one fashion us in the womb?
  1. 我若不容贫寒人得其所愿,或叫寡妇眼中失望,
  2. 或独自吃我一点食物,孤儿没有与我同吃。
  3. (从幼年时孤儿与我同长,好像父子一样。我从出母腹就扶助寡妇)。(扶助原文作引领)
  4. 我若见人因无衣死亡,或见穷乏人身无遮盖。
  5. 我若不使他因我羊的毛得暖,为我祝福。
  1. "If I have kept the poor from their desire, Or have caused the eyes of the widow to fail,
  2. Or have eaten my morsel alone, And the orphan has not shared it
  3. (But from my youth he grew up with me as with a father, And from infancy I guided her),
  4. If I have seen anyone perish for lack of clothing, Or that the needy had no covering,
  5. If his loins have not thanked me, And if he has not been warmed with the fleece of my sheep,
  1. 我若在城门口见有帮助我的,举手攻击孤儿。
  2. 情愿我的肩头从缺盆骨脱落,我的膀臂从羊矢骨折断。
  3. 因神降的灾祸使我恐惧。因他的威严,我不能妄为。
  4. 我若以黄金为指望,对精金说,你是我的倚靠。
  5. 我若因财物丰裕,因我手多得资财而欢喜。
  1. If I have lifted up my hand against the orphan, Because I saw I had support in the gate,
  2. Let my shoulder fall from the socket, And my arm be broken off at the elbow.
  3. "For calamity from God is a terror to me, And because of His majesty I can do nothing.
  4. "If I have put my confidence in gold, And called fine gold my trust,
  5. If I have gloated because my wealth was great, And because my hand had secured so much;
  1. 我若见太阳发光,明月行在空中,
  2. 心就暗暗被引诱,口便亲手。
  3. 这也是审判官当罚的罪孽,又是我背弃在上的神。
  4. 我若见恨我的遭报就欢喜,见他遭灾便高兴。
  5. (我没有容口犯罪,咒诅他的生命)
  1. If I have looked at the sun when it shone Or the moon going in splendor,
  2. And my heart became secretly enticed, And my hand threw a kiss from my mouth,
  3. That too would have been an iniquity calling for judgment, For I would have denied God above.
  4. "Have I rejoiced at the extinction of my enemy, Or exulted when evil befell him?
  5. "No, I have not allowed my mouth to sin By asking for his life in a curse.
  1. 若我帐棚的人未尝说,谁不以主人的食物吃饱呢。
  2. (从来我没有容客旅在街上住宿,却开门迎接行路的人)
  3. 我若像亚当(或作别人)遮掩我的过犯,将罪孽藏在怀中。
  4. 因惧怕大众,又因宗族藐视我使我惊恐,以致闭口无言,杜门不出。
  5. 惟愿有一位肯听我。(看哪,在这里有我所划的押,愿全能者回答我)
  1. "Have the men of my tent not said, 'Who can find one who has not been satisfied with his meat'?
  2. "The alien has not lodged outside, For I have opened my doors to the traveler.
  3. "Have I covered my transgressions like Adam, By hiding my iniquity in my bosom,
  4. Because I feared the great multitude, And the contempt of families terrified me, And kept silent and did not go out of doors?
  5. "Oh that I had one to hear me! Behold, here is my signature; Let the Almighty answer me! And the indictment which my adversary has written,
  1. 愿那敌我者,所写的状词在我这里,我必带在肩上,又绑在头上为冠冕。
  2. 我必向他述说我脚步的数目,必如君王进到他面前。
  3. 我若夺取田地,这地向我喊冤,犁沟一同哭泣。
  4. 我若吃地的出产不给价值,或叫原主丧命。
  5. 愿这地长蒺藜代替麦子,长恶草代替大麦。约伯的话说完了。
  1. Surely I would carry it on my shoulder, I would bind it to myself like a crown.
  2. "I would declare to Him the number of my steps; Like a prince I would approach Him.
  3. "If my land cries out against me, And its furrows weep together;
  4. If I have eaten its fruit without money, Or have caused its owners to lose their lives,
  5. Let briars grow instead of wheat, And stinkweed instead of barley." The words of Job are ended.
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