- 我的良朋密友,因我的灾病,都躲在旁边站着。我的亲戚本家,也远远的站立。
- 那寻索我命的,设下网罗。那想要害我的,口出恶言,终日思想诡计。
- 但我如聋子不听,像哑吧不开口。
- 我如不听见的人,口中没有回话。
- 耶和华阿,我仰望你。主我的神阿,你必应允我。
- My friends and companions avoid me because of my wounds; my neighbors stay far away.
- Those who seek my life set their traps, those who would harm me talk of my ruin; all day long they plot deception.
- I am like a deaf man, who cannot hear, like a mute, who cannot open his mouth;
- I have become like a man who does not hear, whose mouth can offer no reply.
- I wait for you, O LORD; you will answer, O Lord my God.