- 神叫孤独的有家,使被囚的出来享福。惟有悖逆的住在乾燥之地。
- 神阿,你曾在你百姓前头出来,在旷野行走。(细拉)
- 那时地见神的面而震动,天也落雨。西乃山见以色列神的面也震动。
- 神阿,你降下大雨。你产业以色列疲乏的时候,你使他坚固。
- 你的会众住在其中。神阿,你的恩惠是为困苦人豫备的。
- God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.
- When you went out before your people, O God, when you marched through the wasteland, Selah
- the earth shook, the heavens poured down rain, before God, the One of Sinai, before God, the God of Israel.
- You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance.
- Your people settled in it, and from your bounty, O God, you provided for the poor.