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Exodus 1 [NASB:简体]   
  1. Now these are the names of the sons of Israel who came to Egypt with Jacob; they came each one with his household:
  2. Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah;
  3. Issachar, Zebulun and Benjamin;
  4. Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher.
  5. All the persons who came from the loins of Jacob were seventy in number, but Joseph was already in Egypt.
  1. 以色列的众子,各带家眷和雅各一同来到埃及,他们的名字记在下面。
  2. 有流便,西缅,利未,犹大,
  3. 以萨迦,西布伦,便雅悯,
  4. 但,拿弗他利,迦得,亚设。
  5. 凡从雅各而生的,共有七十人。约瑟已经在埃及。
  1. Joseph died, and all his brothers and all that generation.
  2. But the sons of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly, and multiplied, and became exceedingly mighty, so that the land was filled with them.
  3. Now a new king arose over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.
  4. He said to his people, "Behold, the people of the sons of Israel are more and mightier than we.
  5. "Come, let us deal wisely with them, or else they will multiply and in the event of war, they will also join themselves to those who hate us, and fight against us and depart from the land."
  1. 约瑟和他的弟兄,并那一代的人都死了。
  2. 以色列人生养众多,并且繁茂,极其强盛,满了那地。
  3. 有不认识约瑟的新王起来,治理埃及,
  4. 对他的百姓说,看哪,这以色列民比我们还多,又比我们强盛。
  5. 来吧,我们不如用巧计待他们,恐怕他们多起来,日后若遇什么争战的事,就连合我们的仇敌攻击我们,离开这地去了。
  1. So they appointed taskmasters over them to afflict them with hard labor And they built for Pharaoh storage cities, Pithom and Raamses.
  2. But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and the more they spread out, so that they were in dread of the sons of Israel.
  3. The Egyptians compelled the sons of Israel to labor rigorously;
  4. and they made their lives bitter with hard labor in mortar and bricks and at all kinds of labor in the field, all their labors which they rigorously imposed on them.
  5. Then the king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiphrah and the other was named Puah;
  1. 于是埃及人派督工的辖制他们,加重担苦害他们。他们为法老建造两座积货城,就是比东和兰塞。
  2. 只是越发苦害他们,他们越发多起来,越发蔓延,埃及人就因以色列人愁烦。
  3. 埃及人严严地使以色列人作工,
  4. 使他们因作苦工觉得命苦,无论是和泥,是作砖,是作田间各样的工,在一切的工上都严严地待他们。
  5. 有希伯来的两个收生婆,一名施弗拉,一名普阿,埃及王对她们说,
  1. and he said, "When you are helping the Hebrew women to give birth and see them upon the birthstool, if it is a son, then you shall put him to death; but if it is a daughter, then she shall live."
  2. But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded them, but let the boys live.
  3. So the king of Egypt called for the midwives and said to them, "Why have you done this thing, and let the boys live?"
  4. The midwives said to Pharaoh, "Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are vigorous and give birth before the midwife can get to them."
  5. So God was good to the midwives, and the people multiplied, and became very mighty.
  1. 你们为希伯来妇人收生,看她们临盆的时候,若是男孩,就把他杀了,若是女孩,就留她存活。
  2. 但是收生婆敬畏神,不照埃及王的吩咐行,竟存留男孩的性命。
  3. 埃及王召了收生婆来,说,你们为什么作这事,存留男孩的性命呢。
  4. 收生婆对法老说,因为希伯来妇人与埃及妇人不同,希伯来妇人本是健壮的(原文作活泼的),收生婆还没有到,她们已经生产了。
  5. 神厚待收生婆。以色列人多起来,极其强盛。
  1. Because the midwives feared God, He established households for them.
  2. Then Pharaoh commanded all his people, saying, "Every son who is born you are to cast into the Nile, and every daughter you are to keep alive."
  1. 收生婆因为敬畏神,神便叫她们成立家室。
  2. 法老吩咐他的众民说,以色列人所生的男孩,你们都要丢在河里,一切的女孩,你们要存留她的性命。
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