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箴言 15 [简体:NASB]   
  1. 回答柔和,使怒消退。言语暴戾,触动怒气。
  2. 智慧人的舌,善发知识。愚昧人的口,吐出愚昧。
  3. 耶和华的眼目,无处不在。恶人善人,他都鉴察。
  4. 温良的舌,是生命树。乖谬的嘴,使人心碎。
  5. 愚妄人藐视父亲的管教。领受责备的,得着见识。
  1. A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.
  2. The tongue of the wise makes knowledge acceptable, But the mouth of fools spouts folly.
  3. The eyes of the LORD are in every place, Watching the evil and the good.
  4. A soothing tongue is a tree of life, But perversion in it crushes the spirit.
  5. A fool rejects his father's discipline, But he who regards reproof is sensible.
  1. 义人家中,多有财宝。恶人得利,反受扰害。
  2. 智慧人的嘴,播扬知识。愚昧人的心,并不如此。
  3. 恶人献祭,为耶和华所憎恶。正直人祈祷,为他所喜悦。
  4. 恶人的道路,为耶和华所憎恶。追求公义的,为他所喜爱。
  5. 舍弃正路的,必受严刑。恨恶责备的,必致死亡。
  1. Great wealth is in the house of the righteous, But trouble is in the income of the wicked.
  2. The lips of the wise spread knowledge, But the hearts of fools are not so.
  3. The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD, But the prayer of the upright is His delight.
  4. The way of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD, But He loves one who pursues righteousness.
  5. Grievous punishment is for him who forsakes the way; He who hates reproof will die.
  1. 阴间和死亡,尚在耶和华眼前,何况世人的心呢。
  2. 亵慢人不爱受责备。他也不就近智慧人。
  3. 心中喜乐,面带笑容。心里忧愁,灵被损伤。
  4. 聪明人心求知识。愚昧人口吃愚昧。
  5. 困苦人的日子,都是愁苦。心中欢畅的,常享丰筵。
  1. Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the LORD, How much more the hearts of men!
  2. A scoffer does not love one who reproves him, He will not go to the wise.
  3. A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.
  4. The mind of the intelligent seeks knowledge, But the mouth of fools feeds on folly.
  5. All the days of the afflicted are bad, But a cheerful heart has a continual feast.
  1. 少有财宝,敬畏耶和华,强如多有财宝,烦乱不安。
  2. 吃素菜,彼此相爱,强如吃肥牛,彼此相恨。
  3. 暴怒的人,挑启争端。忍怒的人,止息分争。
  4. 懒惰人的道,像荆棘的篱笆。正直人的路,是平坦的大道。
  5. 智慧子使父亲喜乐。愚昧人藐视母亲。
  1. Better is a little with the fear of the LORD Than great treasure and turmoil with it.
  2. Better is a dish of vegetables where love is Than a fattened ox served with hatred.
  3. A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, But the slow to anger calms a dispute.
  4. The way of the lazy is as a hedge of thorns, But the path of the upright is a highway.
  5. A wise son makes a father glad, But a foolish man despises his mother.
  1. 无知的人,以愚妄为乐。聪明的人,按正直而行。
  2. 不先商议,所谋无效。谋士众多,所谋乃成。
  3. 口善应对,自觉喜乐。话合其时,何等美好。
  4. 智慧人从生命的道上升,使他远离在下的阴间。
  5. 耶和华必拆毁骄傲人的家。却要立定寡妇的地界。
  1. Folly is joy to him who lacks sense, But a man of understanding walks straight.
  2. Without consultation, plans are frustrated, But with many counselors they succeed.
  3. A man has joy in an apt answer, And how delightful is a timely word!
  4. The path of life leads upward for the wise That he may keep away from Sheol below.
  5. The LORD will tear down the house of the proud, But He will establish the boundary of the widow.
  1. 恶谋为耶和华所憎恶。良言乃为纯净。
  2. 贪恋财利的,扰害己家。恨恶贿赂的,必得存活。
  3. 义人的心,思量如何回答。恶人的口,吐出恶言。
  4. 耶和华远离恶人。却听义人的祷告。
  5. 眼有光使心喜乐。好信息使骨滋润。
  1. Evil plans are an abomination to the LORD, But pleasant words are pure.
  2. He who profits illicitly troubles his own house, But he who hates bribes will live.
  3. The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, But the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.
  4. The LORD is far from the wicked, But He hears the prayer of the righteous.
  5. Bright eyes gladden the heart; Good news puts fat on the bones.
  1. 听从生命责备的,必常在智慧人中。
  2. 弃绝管教的,轻看自己的生命。听从责备的,却得智慧。
  3. 敬畏耶和华,是智慧的训诲。尊荣以前,必有谦卑。
  1. He whose ear listens to the life-giving reproof Will dwell among the wise.
  2. He who neglects discipline despises himself, But he who listens to reproof acquires understanding.
  3. The fear of the LORD is the instruction for wisdom, And before honor comes humility.
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