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以赛亚书 15 [简体:NIV]   
  1. 论摩押的默示。一夜之间,摩押的亚珥,变为荒废,归于无有。一夜之间,摩押的基珥,变为荒废,归于无有。
  2. 他们上巴益,又往底本,到高处去哭泣。摩押人因泥波和米底巴哀号,各人头上光秃,胡须剃净。
  3. 他们在街市上都腰束麻布,在房顶上和宽阔处,俱各哀号,眼泪汪汪。
  4. 希实本和以利亚利悲哀的声音,达到雅杂。所以摩押带兵器的高声喊囔。人心战兢。
  5. 我心为摩押悲哀,他的贵胄,(或作逃民)逃到琐珥,到伊基拉,施利施亚。他们上鲁希坡随走随哭。在何罗念的路上,因毁灭举起哀声。
  1. An oracle concerning Moab: Ar in Moab is ruined, destroyed in a night! Kir in Moab is ruined, destroyed in a night!
  2. Dibon goes up to its temple, to its high places to weep; Moab wails over Nebo and Medeba. Every head is shaved and every beard cut off.
  3. In the streets they wear sackcloth; on the roofs and in the public squares they all wail, prostrate with weeping.
  4. Heshbon and Elealeh cry out, their voices are heard all the way to Jahaz. Therefore the armed men of Moab cry out, and their hearts are faint.
  5. My heart cries out over Moab; her fugitives flee as far as Zoar, as far as Eglath Shelishiyah. They go up the way to Luhith, weeping as they go; on the road to Horonaim they lament their destruction.
  1. 因为宁林的水成为乾涸。青草枯乾,嫩草灭没,青绿之物,一无所有。
  2. 因此,摩押人所得的财物,和所积蓄的,都要运过柳树河。
  3. 哀声遍闻摩押的四境。哀号的声音,达到以基莲。哀号的声音,达到比珥以琳。
  4. 底们的水充满了血。我还要加增底们的灾难,叫狮子来追上摩押逃脱的民,和那地上所馀剩的人。
  1. The waters of Nimrim are dried up and the grass is withered; the vegetation is gone and nothing green is left.
  2. So the wealth they have acquired and stored up they carry away over the Ravine of the Poplars.
  3. Their outcry echoes along the border of Moab; their wailing reaches as far as Eglaim, their lamentation as far as Beer Elim.
  4. Dimon's waters are full of blood, but I will bring still more upon Dimon -- a lion upon the fugitives of Moab and upon those who remain in the land.
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