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Micah 7 [NASB:简体]   
  1. Woe is me! For I am Like the fruit pickers, like the grape gatherers There is not a cluster of grapes to eat, Or a first-ripe fig which I crave.
  2. The godly person has perished from the land, And there is no upright person among men All of them lie in wait for bloodshed; Each of them hunts the other with a net.
  3. Concerning evil, both hands do it well The prince asks, also the judge, for a bribe, And a great man speaks the desire of his soul; So they weave it together.
  4. The best of them is like a briar, The most upright like a thorn hedge The day when you post your watchmen, Your punishment will come Then their confusion will occur.
  5. Do not trust in a neighbor; Do not have confidence in a friend. From her who lies in your bosom Guard your lips.
  1. 哀哉,我(或作以色列)好像夏天的果子已被收尽,又像摘了葡萄所剩下的。没有一挂可吃的,我心羡慕初熟的无花果。
  2. 地上虔诚人灭尽,世间没有正直人。各人埋伏,要杀人流血。都用网罗猎取弟兄。
  3. 他们双手作恶。君王徇情面,审判官要贿赂。位分大的吐出恶意。都彼此结联行恶。
  4. 他们最好的,不过是蒺藜。最正直的,不过是荆棘篱笆。你守望者说降罚的日子已经来到。他们必扰乱不安。
  5. 不要倚赖邻舍。不要信靠密友。要守住你的口,不要向你怀中的妻题说。
  1. For son treats father contemptuously, Daughter rises up against her mother, Daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; A man's enemies are the men of his own household.
  2. But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation My God will hear me.
  3. Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy Though I fall I will rise; Though I dwell in darkness, the LORD is a light for me.
  4. I will bear the indignation of the LORD Because I have sinned against Him, Until He pleads my case and executes justice for me He will bring me out to the light, And I will see His righteousness.
  5. Then my enemy will see, And shame will cover her who said to me, "Where is the LORD your God?" My eyes will look on her; At that time she will be trampled down Like mire of the streets.
  1. 因为,儿子藐视父亲,女儿抗拒母亲,媳妇抗拒婆婆。人的仇敌,就是自己家里的人。
  2. 至于我,我要仰望耶和华,要等候那救我的神。我的神必应允我。
  3. 我的仇敌阿,不要向我夸耀。我虽跌倒,却要起来。我虽坐在黑暗里,耶和华却作我的光。
  4. 我要忍受耶和华的恼怒,因我得罪了他。直等他为我辨屈,为我伸冤。他必领我到光明中,我必得见他的公义。
  5. 那时我的仇敌,就是曾对我说耶和华你神在哪里的,他一看见这事就被羞愧遮盖。我必亲眼见他遭报。他必被践踏,如同街上的泥土。
  1. It will be a day for building your walls. On that day will your boundary be extended.
  2. It will be a day when they will come to you From Assyria and the cities of Egypt, From Egypt even to the Euphrates, Even from sea to sea and mountain to mountain.
  3. And the earth will become desolate because of her inhabitants, On account of the fruit of their deeds.
  4. Shepherd Your people with Your scepter, The flock of Your possession Which dwells by itself in the woodland, In the midst of a fruitful field Let them feed in Bashan and Gilead As in the days of old.
  5. "As in the days when you came out from the land of Egypt, I will show you miracles."
  1. 以色列阿,日子必到,你的墙垣必重修。到那日,你的境界必开展(或作命令必传到远方)。
  2. 当那日,人必从亚述,从埃及的城邑,从埃及到大河,从这海到那海,从这山到那山,都归到你这里。
  3. 然而,这地因居民的缘故,又因他们行事的结果,必然荒凉。
  4. 求耶和华在迦密山的树林中,用你的杖牧放你独居的民,就是你产业的羊群。求你容他们在巴珊和基列得食物,像古时一样。
  5. 耶和华说,我要把奇事显给他们看,好像出埃及地的时候一样。
  1. Nations will see and be ashamed Of all their might They will put their hand on their mouth, Their ears will be deaf.
  2. They will lick the dust like a serpent, Like reptiles of the earth They will come trembling out of their fortresses; To the LORD our God they will come in dread And they will be afraid before You.
  3. Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity And passes over the rebellious act of the remnant of His possession? He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in unchanging love.
  4. He will again have compassion on us; He will tread our iniquities under foot Yes, You will cast all their sins Into the depths of the sea.
  5. You will give truth to Jacob And unchanging love to Abraham, Which You swore to our forefathers From the days of old.
  1. 列国看见这事,就必为自己的势力惭愧。他们必用手捂口,掩耳不听。
  2. 他们必舔土如蛇,又如土中腹行的物,战战兢兢地出他们的营寨。他们必战惧投降耶和华,也必因我们的神而惧怕。
  3. 神阿,有何神像你,赦免罪孽,饶恕你产业之馀民的罪过。不永远怀怒,喜爱施恩。
  4. 必再怜悯我们,将我们的罪孽踏在脚下,又将我们的一切罪投于深海。
  5. 你必按古时起誓应许我们列祖的话,向雅各发诚实,向亚伯拉罕施慈爱。
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