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  1. So some of the people of Jerusalem were saying, "Is this not the man whom they are seeking to kill?
  2. "Look, He is speaking publicly, and they are saying nothing to Him. The rulers do not really know that this is the Christ, do they?
  3. "However, we know where this man is from; but whenever the Christ may come, no one knows where He is from."
  4. Then Jesus cried out in the temple, teaching and saying, "You both know Me and know where I am from; and I have not come of Myself, but He who sent Me is true, whom you do not know.
  5. "I know Him, because I am from Him, and He sent Me."
  1. ª½ª³ªÇ ìÑ¢¯ªÏ «¤«¨«¹ ªò øÚª¨ªèª¦ªÈ ͪªÃª¿ª¬£¬ ªÀªìªÒªÈªê ⢪òª«ª±ªë íºªÏªÊª«ªÃª¿£® «¤«¨«¹ ªÎ ãÁª¬£¬ ªÞªÀª­ªÆª¤ªÊª«ªÃª¿ª«ªéªÇª¢ªë£®
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  3. ÏØñ몬 «¤«¨«¹ ªËªÄª¤ªÆª³ªÎªèª¦ªÊª¦ªïªµªòª·ªÆª¤ªëªÎªò£¬ «Ñ«ê«µ«¤ ìѪ¿ªÁªÏ 켪˪·ª¿£® ª½ª³ªÇ£¬ ð®ÞÉíþª¿ªÁªä «Ñ«ê«µ«¤ ìѪ¿ªÁªÏ£¬ «¤«¨«¹ ªò øÚª¨ªèª¦ªÈª·ªÆ£¬ ù»æµªÉªâªòªÄª«ªïª·ª¿£®
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  5. ª¢ªÊª¿ª¬ª¿ªÏªïª¿ª·ªò ⤪¹ªÇª¢ªíª¦ª¬£¬ ̸ªÄª±ªëª³ªÈªÏªÇª­ªÊª¤£® ª½ª·ªÆªïª¿ª·ªÎª¤ªë ᶪˣ¬ ª¢ªÊª¿ª¬ª¿ªÏ ÕΪ몳ªÈª¬ªÇª­ªÊª¤ ¡¹£®
  1. So they were seeking to seize Him; and no man laid his hand on Him, because His hour had not yet come.
  2. But many of the crowd believed in Him; and they were saying, "When the Christ comes, He will not perform more signs than those which this man has, will He?"
  3. The Pharisees heard the crowd muttering these things about Him, and the chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers to seize Him.
  4. Therefore Jesus said, "For a little while longer I am with you, then I go to Him who sent Me.
  5. "You will seek Me, and will not find Me; and where I am, you cannot come."
  1. ª½ª³ªÇ «æ«À«ä ìѪ¿ªÁªÏ û»ªË åëªÃª¿£¬ ¡¸ªïª¿ª·ª¿ªÁª¬ ̸ªÄª±ªëª³ªÈª¬ªÇª­ªÊª¤ªÈª¤ª¦ªÎªÏ£¬ ªÉª³ªØ ú¼ª³ª¦ªÈª·ªÆª¤ªëªÎªÀªíª¦£® «®«ê«·«ä ìѪΠñéªË ×îߤª·ªÆª¤ªë ìѪ¿ªÁªÎªÈª³ªíªËªÇªâ ú¼ªÃªÆ£¬ «®«ê«·«ä ìѪò Î窨ªèª¦ªÈª¤ª¦ªÎªÀªíª¦ª«£®
  2. ªÞª¿£¬ ¡ºªïª¿ª·ªò ⤪¹ª¬£¬ ̸ªÄª±ªëª³ªÈªÏªÇª­ªÊª¤£® ª½ª·ªÆªïª¿ª·ªÎª¤ªë á¶ªËªÏ ÕΪ몳ªÈª¬ªÇª­ªÊª¤ªÀªíª¦ ¡»ªÈ åëªÃª¿ª½ªÎ åë稪ϣ¬ ªÉª¦ª¤ª¦ ëòÚ«ªÀªíª¦ ¡¹£®
  3. ð®ªÎ ðûªêªÎ ÓÞÞÀªÊ ìíªË£¬ «¤«¨«¹ ªÏ Ø¡ªÃªÆ£¬ УªóªÇ åëªïªìª¿£¬ ¡¸ªÀªìªÇªâª«ªïª¯ íºªÏ£¬ ªïª¿ª·ªÎªÈª³ªíªËª­ªÆ ëæªàª¬ªèª¤£®
  4. ªïª¿ª·ªò ã᪸ªë íºªÏ£¬ á¡ßöªË ßöª¤ªÆª¢ªëªÈªªªê£¬ ª½ªÎ ÜÙª«ªé ß檱ªë ⩪¬ ô¹ªÈªÊªÃªÆ ×µªì õóªëªÇª¢ªíª¦ ¡¹£®
  5. ª³ªìªÏ£¬ «¤«¨«¹ ªò ã᪸ªë ìÑ¢¯ª¬ áôª±ªèª¦ªÈª·ªÆª¤ªë åÙçϪòªµª·ªÆ åëªïªìª¿ªÎªÇª¢ªë£® ª¹ªÊªïªÁ£¬ «¤«¨«¹ ªÏªÞªÀ ç´Îêò áôª±ªÆªªªéªìªÊª«ªÃª¿ªÎªÇ£¬ åÙçϪ¬ªÞªÀ ù»ªÃªÆª¤ªÊª«ªÃª¿ªÎªÇª¢ªë£®
  1. The Jews then said to one another, "Where does this man intend to go that we will not find Him? He is not intending to go to the Dispersion among the Greeks, and teach the Greeks, is He?
  2. "What is this statement that He said, 'You will seek Me, and will not find Me; and where I am, you cannot come'?"
  3. Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.
  4. "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'"
  5. But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.
  1. ÏØñëªÎª¢ªë íºª¬ª³ªìªéªÎ åë稪ò Ú¤ª¤ªÆ£¬ ¡¸ª³ªÎª«ª¿ªÏ£¬ ªÛªóªÈª¦ªË£¬ ª¢ªÎ çèåëíºªÇª¢ªë ¡¹ªÈ å몤£¬
  2. ªÛª«ªÎ ìѪ¿ªÁªÏ¡¸ª³ªÎª«ª¿ªÏ «­«ê«¹«È ªÇª¢ªë ¡¹ªÈ å몤£¬ ªÞª¿£¬ ª¢ªë ìÑ¢¯ªÏ£¬ ¡¸«­«ê«¹«È ªÏªÞªµª«£¬ «¬«ê«é«ä ª«ªéªÏ õóªÆª³ªÊª¤ªÀªíª¦£®
  3. «­«ê«¹«È ªÏ£¬ «À«Ó«Ç ªÎ í­áݪ«ªé£¬ ªÞª¿ «À«Ó«Ç ªÎª¤ª¿ «Ù«Ä«ì«Ø«à ªÎ õ½ª«ªé õóªëªÈ£¬ á¡ßöªË ßöª¤ªÆª¢ªëªÇªÏªÊª¤ª« ¡¹ªÈ åëªÃª¿£®
  4. ª³ª¦ª·ªÆ£¬ ÏØñëªÎ ÊàªË «¤«¨«¹ ªÎª³ªÈªÇ ÝÂ¬ ß檸ª¿£®
  5. ù¨ªéªÎª¦ªÁªÎª¢ªë ìÑ¢¯ªÏ£¬ «¤«¨«¹ ªò øÚª¨ªèª¦ªÈ Þ֪꿪¬£¬ ªÀªìªÒªÈªê ⢪òª«ª±ªë íºªÏªÊª«ªÃª¿£®
  1. Some of the people therefore, when they heard these words, were saying, "This certainly is the Prophet."
  2. Others were saying, "This is the Christ." Still others were saying, "Surely the Christ is not going to come from Galilee, is He?
  3. "Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the descendants of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was?"
  4. So a division occurred in the crowd because of Him.
  5. Some of them wanted to seize Him, but no one laid hands on Him.
  1. ªµªÆ£¬ ù»æµªÉªâª¬ ð®ÞÉíþª¿ªÁªä «Ñ«ê«µ«¤ ìѪ¿ªÁªÎªÈª³ªíªË ÏýªÃªÆª­ª¿ªÎªÇ£¬ ù¨ªéªÏª½ªÎ ù»æµªÉªâªË åëªÃª¿£¬ ¡¸ªÊª¼£¬ ª¢ªÎ ìѪò Ö§ªìªÆª³ªÊª«ªÃª¿ªÎª« ¡¹£®
  2. ù»æµªÉªâªÏ Óͪ¨ª¿£¬ ¡¸ª³ªÎ ìѪΠåÞªëªèª¦ªË åުê¿ íºªÏ£¬ ª³ªìªÞªÇªËª¢ªêªÞª»ªóªÇª·ª¿ ¡¹£®
  3. «Ñ«ê«µ«¤ ìѪ¿ªÁª¬ ù¨ªéªË Óͪ¨ª¿£¬ ¡¸ª¢ªÊª¿ª¬ª¿ªÞªÇª¬£¬ ªÀªÞªµªìªÆª¤ªëªÎªÇªÏªÊª¤ª«£®
  4. æµìѪ¿ªÁªä «Ñ«ê«µ«¤ ìѪ¿ªÁªÎ ñéªÇ£¬ ªÒªÈªêªÇªâ ù¨ªò ã᪸ª¿ íºª¬ª¢ªÃª¿ªÀªíª¦ª«£®
  5. ×ÈÛöªòªïª­ªÞª¨ªÊª¤ª³ªÎ ÏØñëªÏ£¬ ªÎªíªïªìªÆª¤ªë ¡¹£®
  1. The officers then came to the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said to them, "Why did you not bring Him?"
  2. The officers answered, "Never has a man spoken the way this man speaks."
  3. The Pharisees then answered them, "You have not also been led astray, have you?
  4. "No one of the rulers or Pharisees has believed in Him, has he?
  5. "But this crowd which does not know the Law is accursed."
  1. ù¨ªéªÎ ñéªÎªÒªÈªêªÇ£¬ ì¤îñªË «¤«¨«¹ ªË ü媤ªËª­ª¿ª³ªÈªÎª¢ªë «Ë«³«Ç«â ª¬£¬ ù¨ªéªË åëªÃª¿£¬
  2. ¡¸ªïª¿ª·ª¿ªÁªÎ ×ÈÛöªËªèªìªÐ£¬ ªÞªºª½ªÎ ìѪΠå몤 ݪò Ú¤ª­£¬ ª½ªÎ ìѪΪ·ª¿ª³ªÈªò ò±ªÃª¿ ß¾ªÇªÊª±ªìªÐ£¬ ªµªÐª¯ª³ªÈªòª·ªÊª¤ªÎªÇªÏªÊª¤ª« ¡¹£®
  3. ù¨ªéªÏ Óͪ¨ªÆ åëªÃª¿£¬ ¡¸ª¢ªÊª¿ªâ «¬«ê«é«ä õóªÊªÎª«£® ªèª¯ ðàªÙªÆªßªÊªµª¤£¬ «¬«ê«é«ä ª«ªéªÏ çèåëíºª¬ õóªëªâªÎªÇªÏªÊª¤ª³ªÈª¬£¬ ªïª«ªëªÀªíª¦ ¡¹£®
  4. ¡²ª½ª·ªÆ£¬ ìÑ¢¯ªÏªªªÎªªªÎ Ê«ªË ÏýªÃªÆ ú¼ªÃª¿£®
  1. Nicodemus (he who came to Him before, being one of them) said to them,
  2. "Our Law does not judge a man unless it first hears from him and knows what he is doing, does it?"
  3. They answered him, "You are not also from Galilee, are you? Search, and see that no prophet arises out of Galilee."
  4. [Everyone went to his home.

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