- But to the wicked God says, "What right have you to tell of My statutes And to take My covenant in your mouth?
- "For you hate discipline, And you cast My words behind you.
- "When you see a thief, you are pleased with him, And you associate with adulterers.
- "You let your mouth loose in evil And your tongue frames deceit.
- "You sit and speak against your brother; You slander your own mother's son.
- "These things you have done and I kept silence; You thought that I was just like you; I will reprove you and state the case in order before your eyes.
- "Now consider this, you who forget God, Or I will tear you in pieces, and there will be none to deliver.
- "He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me; And to him who orders his way aright I shall show the salvation of God."