- He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment.
- The wicked desire the plunder of evil men, but the root of the righteous flourishes.
- An evil man is trapped by his sinful talk, but a righteous man escapes trouble.
- From the fruit of his lips a man is filled with good things as surely as the work of his hands rewards him.
- The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
- A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.
- A truthful witness gives honest testimony, but a false witness tells lies.
- Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
- Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.
- There is deceit in the hearts of those who plot evil, but joy for those who promote peace.